Where Are The Umbrellas?

This past March, I lost my umbrella – it probably fell out of my “Fashion Week Kit” somehow, and I was never able to get it back (I didn’t realize it was gone until a week later, anyway).  So as soon as I discovered that it was gone, I started looking for a new one.  […]

Petite Fashion Challenge #13: Stylish for Under $100

This month’s Petite Fashion Challenge, hosted by Really Petite, is: Stylish for under $100: Put together a professional outfit (excluding shoes and accessories) for under $100.  I had some trouble figuring out what to wear for this month’s challenge – I had originally planned to use a dress I bought back in November or December, […]

Q&A with Designer Hillary Keech of Modest Designs

Connie Limoncelli Most people want to live in a beautiful home even if they don’t always have the skills, know-how or budget to make that happen. Enter Hillary Keech of Modest Designs a firm whose ethos is centred on the idea that gorgeous interiors can be had no matter your budget. Case in point, the […]