Do You Have a ‘Regular Look’? I Do!

I don’t profess to having a daily “uniform” a la Carolina Herrera or Mark Zuckerberg – as in I don’t wear the exact same thing daily.   However, I have a go-to “look” which changes depending on the season.  When it’s cooler out (say, October to late April or so), I like my long sweaters or […]

Am I Becoming ‘Conservative’?

Okay, I definitely DO NOT identify with the super-right wing, especially the American-style right (how can I?  I’m Canadian!  And I’m pro-equal marriage, too), but more and more, media outlets from the likes of Gawker Media (e.g. Jezebel, etc…) and Salon are annoying me with their super-politically correct perspective.  For example, it seems to me […]

Tacky Dressing: Nothing But Attention Grabbing Weirdness

I am not pleased with the state of how people dress these days.  I know that many feel that one should wear whatever he/she wants whenever, but sometimes, rules ARE needed.  I’m sorry, but what some people wear at fashion events is nothing but attention grabbing and often, I feel like photographers and media take […]

Seriously, People? Lilly Pulitzer Fans Upset at Target Collaboration

I couldn’t believe it when I read the piece on Lucky Magazine’s website.  This HAS to be a joke.  Of course, it could very well be (since it was seen on social media), but if it isn’t, then those women aren’t worthy of wearing Lilly.  The stereotypical demographic of Lilly Pulitzer wearers tends to be […]