Anthropologie Cardigan: Why Don’t the Colours Match?

When I received the September Anthropologie catalogue, one cardigan, the Gilt Floribunda Cardi, really caught my eye.  In the catalogue (as with the posed shot with a model on a set), it had a gorgeous deep teal shade and the pattern, which were leaves, were a golden yellow colour.  The close-up product shot (with a […]

Interior Design Show Kicks Off 2012 Event with VIP Party

The Interior Design Show (IDS) is back this year and kicked off with a VIP cocktail party.  The event, which was in support of OneXOne, an organization that improves the well-being of children around the world, featured the Cherish Auction and Exhibit – children’s chairs re-imagined by 20 different Canadian designers from the fashion and […]

Furniture Made from Junk: Would You or Wouldn’t You?

During the Interior Design Show which ran at the Metro Convention Centre this past weekend, I came across Metropolis Living, a store out in the Junction area which sells furniture and home decor items made from material previously used for other things.  The exhibit, which had a very old “run down” feel really stood out among […]