Body Image Activists: Are Their Campaigns Dangerous?

I’ve always had a problem with body image activists (so much that one particular organization has banned me from commenting on their Facebook page).  Sure, they mean good by encouraging more size diversity in fashion, but are their campaigns healthy?  Or are they just as bad as having too many tall, thin, blonds? Balance is […]

Are Body Image Positive Sites Truly Effective?

…or merely annoying?  Yes, this is coming from someone who, at one point, ran a petite-focused blog (Shorty Stories is technically still “live” but no longer updates).  I follow several Facebook pages, including Endangered Bodies, Adios Barbie, Any-Body (the UK chapter of Endangered Bodies), and to a certain extent, Jezebel, and find many of their […]

From Shorty Stories: Think You’re ‘Fat’? Check Out This ‘Ideal’ Size Chart from Korea

If you think “standards” in North America are too thin, you’d be in for a shock when if you compare yourself to this chart from Korea (note: everything is in metric, in increments of 2 cm and height is roughly 5′ to 5’7″), which I discovered while reading a post from Bread, Butter and Champagne.  […]