TTC/National Ballet of Canada vs. Body Image Shows Our Lack of Interest in the Arts

national ballet of canada, national ballet, ttc, transit, toronto transit commission

By now, everyone in Toronto has heard about the TTC “We Move You” ad, featuring the National Ballet of Canada, which has caused controversy among many body image activists.  The latter are saying the dancers project a negative body image, causing many people to feel badly about their shape.  Say what?  It takes years and […]

Andy Warhol Revisited: A Mirror for Today Arrives in Toronto

In the late 1960s Andy Warhol famously stated: “In the future, everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes.” Certainly an argument can be made that Warhol’s theory has been borne out on social media, where varying degrees of fame can befall anyone, at any time. Warhol was also innovative in transforming everyday commercial objects – […]

Warhol in Yorkville Starting July !

Marilyn.  Campbell’s Soup.  Everyone is familiar with Andy Warhol.  And a travelling exhibit, Andy Warhol Revisited, curated by Revolver Gallery from Los Angeles, is popping up in Yorkville starting tomorrow, July 1, 2015.  Taking over the old Guess? and Porche Design spaces on Bloor, just west of Bay, the exhibit will be in town until […]

Some Artisan Highlights at the Spring One of a Kind Show

The spring edition of the One of a Kind Show is a bit smaller than its holiday edition, but nonetheless still filled with artisans presenting everything from delicious food to crafts, fashion and more.  So who’s there?  Here are just some: Mélissa Nepton (Booth P49): Fresh after showing at World MasterCard Fashion Week, Mélissa Nepton […]

Now’s The Time: Jean-Michel Basquiat Retrospective at the AGO

By the age of just 20, street graffiti artist Jean-Michel Basquiat had already taken the New York art scene by storm. This was the early 1980s and it must have helped that he had made friends with Andy Warhol and other pop-culture artists of the day (Madonna, Blondie). But Basquiat was a ground-breaking artist on […]

Q&A with Jackie Bonilla Fruit Couture

A recipe or preperation of food, is more often then not a lot of work just to prepare and ensure a delicious taste. Now how about the work needed to make that food especially visually appealing? Not just visually appealing, but visually creative! Jackie Bonilla of Fruit Couture in Ottawa, Ontario, specializes in custom fruit […]

Aveda, Naturally! Celebrates Seamless Straight Hair

They say the grass is always greener on the other side.  Curly-hair women dream of silky smooth locks while straight-tressed gals wonder what sexy, wild curls would feel like.  Aveda has come up with a magical solution to enable the curly-haired to switch back and forth, almost seamless:  Aveda Smooth Infusion Naturally Straight. Scheduled for […]

Art Photography Online With The Print Atelier

Recently, I had the wonderful chance to speak with Maude Arsenault, an art photographer and creator of The Print Atelier, an online source for art photography.  Based in Montreal, the site allows shoppers to purchase prints by photographers without having the need to attend a show or step into a gallery, making them more accessible […]

Catching Up with Amy Shackleton

The last time we talked with Amy Shackleton she was at a point where her paintings were the combination of brush work and using gravity manipulation. Now Shackleton is going completely brush free! Wanting to showcase her new methods, Shackleton created a time lapse video (above) that garnered a massive 900,000+ hits response on YouTube. […]

Artist Spotlight – Amy Shackleton

In any industry it’s competitive, hard and demanding but some industries really just take that much more to succeed or breakthrough. The arts industry for example could be one of them, requiring natural talent mixed with a brilliant business mind, good intuition and a real desire to not only succeed but rise above. The person […]