Valentine’s Day Solo: Treat Yourself to Salmon, Spinach and Bulgur

Valentine’s Day is less than a week away, and for those of us who’re staying in, there’s no reason why you can’t celebrate, even if you don’t have a date!  Forget take-out or ice cream!  Love yourself and treat yourself to a nice, quick healthy meal. This one pot dinner with salmon, bulgur and spinach […]

How to Create Perfect Pasta Side Dishes

The key to an amazing meal is simple. Start with good, high quality ingredients, and make sure to include all the elements of a complete dish: a protein, some vegetables, a starch (such as pasta, potatoes, rice, etc.), and a sauce.  To the average person, this may seem like an obscure equation for creating the […]

An Asian-Inspired Turkey for (Canadian) Thanksgiving

My family and I just had a wonderful turkey dinner, my first as host.  I bought the turkey earlier this week, and was lucky to find a smaller one – we were only going to be feeding four people (my parents, my husband and I) after all.  The turkey was already deboned and weighed in […]