Chopped Canada #8: Donuts with WHAT?

I’m not sure if Homer Simpson (or Rob Ford) would laugh or cry upon hearing the list of required ingredients in the first round.  After all, donuts were on the list.  Yes, for the appetizer round.  That, along with flank steak, ramps (a vegetable similar to green onions, but has a stronger taste) and navel […]

Healthier Eating with Steamed Stuff Peppers

Now that 2011 has arrived, many of us are trying to follow our New Year’s resolutions and for a great deal of people, it means living a healthier lifestyle.  One way to do this is by making less fattening meals such as by steaming.  One of my favourites is to steam stuffed peppers, an easy […]

An Asian-Inspired Turkey for (Canadian) Thanksgiving

My family and I just had a wonderful turkey dinner, my first as host.  I bought the turkey earlier this week, and was lucky to find a smaller one – we were only going to be feeding four people (my parents, my husband and I) after all.  The turkey was already deboned and weighed in […]