Finding My Roots Through the Cuisine of Macau

At a recent charity event, I bid on a set of cookbooks which included one called Fat Rice, featuring the cuisine of Macau (Fat Rice is also the name of a Chicago restaurant featuring food from the area).  As my grandmother was from Macau, I was extremely intrigued by the very existence of the book […]

Recipe: Apple and Tomato ‘Gazpacho Sauce’

I just realized that I have NOT posted a recipe on DelectablyChic! in ages.  So why not do one now?  I’ve been experimenting with food again recently, and decided to make a soup which can double as a sauce when heated.  All you need are the following: This is the size you want the apples, […]

Happy Fifth Birthday, DelectablyChic!

DelectablyChic! Anniversary, five years, DelectablyChic, Cynthia Cheng Mintz

Today is my birthday.  Incidently, it is also DelectablyChic!‘s birthday.  Five years ago today, the two year old Prospere Magazine became DelectablyChic!.  Though there were a couple of posts which went live before September 1, 2010, the first “official” post was a restaurant review of Cantine, located on Avenue Road, just north of Bloor. What […]

Quark and Greek Yogurt Cheesecake with Raspberries

I was looking for an interesting dessert to serve over the holiday weekend and found a quark and yogurt cheesecake (quark is a soft, spreadable cheese with a texture that is a bit lighter than tubbed cream cheese, but not as runny as cottage cheese.  The only mainstream grocery store brand I know that carries […]

Chopped Canada Season 2, Episode 13: Licorice Donut Cake Pops

I think this is only my second post using the dessert basket!  The remaining two contestants were to make a dessert using sprinkle donuts, pomelo, peanuts and licorice babies (licorice bits).  I had first thought of making some sort of deconstructed dish, but it just dawned on me…cake pops.  Sure, they’re not really a “thing” […]

Chopped Canada Season Two, Episode 5: To the Sea and Beavertail Pastries

The fifth episode has the most challenging mystery ingredients to date, all picked by viewers through social media.  From prairie oysters to blueberry compote to Peking duck and gefilte fish (no, not all in the same basket), it was definitely…different.  For this week, the main course basket, containing gefilte fish (a white fish often served […]

Baked Eggs is What’s for Dinner!

I like to go meatless at least once a week (though I don’t always get to) and recently, I decided to make baked eggs.  This would also make an amazing New Year’s Day brunch dish (if you’re still looking for ideas). Ingredients: 4 egg whites + 2 whole eggs (large) A little more than 1/4 […]

Coconut Curry Tomato Soup

For myself, soup is not only a comforting dish, but what I enjoy most is the room you have to play when cooking a good soup. A simple twist of the wrist with your seasoning can completely change your dish! Currently, I am on a bit of a “curry kick”, specifically yellow curry, I swear […]

Deliciously Easy Baked Shakshuka

I first came across shakshuka at a local Aroma Espresso Bar, an Israeli coffee chain that has been popping up all over Toronto (I know that New York has a few as well, but I think Toronto has more per capita).  This egg and tomato sauce dish is delicious, and great for not just breakfast […]

Recipe: Maple Balsamic Baked Tofu

You’ve probably seen the picture on Instagram.  I made this baked tofu recipe a couple of weeks ago and my husband and I enjoyed it very much.  It’s not directly inspired by any specific tofu recipe (though it’s based on the maple dijon chicken I made in late 2013) I’ve seen online, just something I […]